I have just been working through clikpic to set up a new website. Although I must say it was relatively easy to work out how to post etc. this was still a time consuming job. I think most of my time was spent actually preparing my photos and making decisions such as how many galleries to use, how to link them and then working out what to write on the site. I hope I've got something that appeals to others. Time will tell.
Federal Falls, Lawson |
While I was doing this I did manage to get out this week to take some shoots in the Blue Mountains with some photo buddies and my partner, Greg. One of the days was overcast with drizzle. A perfect day for photography. The photos on this day were so beautiful. Richly saturated colours and gorgeous light. (See above) The day with my hubby was cloudy, but very humid. I just had to time the photos with the cloud cover to get the right light. Again beautiful. (see below)
Wentworth Falls. |
Today we went once again to Lawson to try for some more images of the same falls. The day had few clouds, and despite starting early the light was very different. I still managed to get some good images, but I wasn't as near as happy with today's as with the other two days. Just goes to show when everything else is the same (ie. same camera and gear, same time of day and year)the weather is the deciding factor for your images. I think I'll be going out in "bad" weather again.
For those interested, here's the new website: