I really am new to blogging! I think I posted nothing earlier tonight, so hopefully this will post. How many different ways did I spell photography in the last blog? (all fixed now I hope!) I have not had much time to process photos, mainly due to actually taking/making more photos! Always a good thing! Here are a few more from Dunne's Swamp though as promised. I'm sure there's more.
Yesterday it was cloudy here at Mudgee, so with camera in hand and rugged up for the weather: umbrella, dry-as-a-bone, welli's, cover for the camera and camera bag, I ventured out on the farm. For the past six months I had not been able to "see" photos here on the farm. I was just seeing clutter. I knew there were photos there, but I was blocked. After my time with Len on the weekend, and finally "relaxing" after the cancer treatment, I began to "see" again. I was so excited!
I was shooting happily in the overcast conditions, and then the rain began. The colours began to change, colours were richer and the rain helped to separate subjects from the backgrounds more. I was as happy as a "pig-in-mud" (in part literally: the mud bit, not the pig bit). Everywhere I looked the colours were changing and the images I could see were fantastic. All I hoped for was that I was capturing them properly. They looked OK on the screen, but time would tell when I got them on the computer.

The only ones not happy were my poor dogs. My usually very loyal dog Bruno, began to question my sanity. Each time I looked as though I had finished taking photos and was heading home, he bolted for the farm house, only to look back 5 minutes later to see that I had stopped again. He reluctantly came back again and again as I stopped to take each photo. He and the new dog, Sam, were soaked and just wanted to be under cover. I, of course, was just too happy and dry, due to my preparation. I didn't want to go home. The light eventually got too bad to take more photos so I headed home. Bruno had given up on me when we got to the farm gate 1km from home, but Sammy stay with me. At least someone still loved me.
Looking forward to taking more.....bring on the rain!